Fine Shadings of Personality

Fine Shadings
of Personality,
are valuable assets!

“Fine Shadings of personality, though they may be invisible to some and frustrating to others, are crystal clear to and highly valued by great leaders!”
Harvard Business Review.

Our Team is committed to driving vision and value to ensure that what you are building is reflective of what you want your life’s work to be.

We believe in creating a state of ‘Ikigai’ – a state of purpose and wellbeing, and ‘Zanshin’ – The Art of Focus and Intention, to drive Vision and Value.

To meet the expectation of our clients we continuously improve and develop our:
Credibility, Capability, Curiosity, Courage, Chemistry, Culture and Company Partners.
Together we will focus on your opportunities and build capacity and growth.
We are a small team and have developed strong partnerships that collaborate to find our customers the best possible solutions to their issues at hand, at a reasonable cost.
We are committed to bring a fresh perspective to our client relationships.


River Wyoming Yaffe

Innovation Director


River, is Zorya Zanshin’s Global Innovation Director. She has 20 years experience as a Management Consultant and Process Optimization Engineer. She has been involved in advisory roles across multiple International Industries.

Relentless focus on championing innovative ideas and disruptive technologies is her game. She has participated in an award winning innovation solution for Coats, in Hong Kong, Malaysia and China, through collaboratively changing the way; colour is seen and measured.

In the Mining Industry she has optimised processes, increased tonnage and reduced waste. She has developed and implemented KPI Management Dashboards to provide visibility and has ensured that digital data is accurate and reliable.

Prior to founding the Company, she Project Managed, 660 National Engen Fuel Sites Nationally to ensure Operational readiness and enhance customer experience.

"Know your people, put their idiosyncrasies to use."

“Great leaders need to rein in their inquisitiveness, gather up what you need to know about your people, and put their  idiosyncrasies to use!” 

Harvard Business Review

“We believe that observation and perception are two different things, the eye that observes is stronger, the eye that perceives is weaker!”

Miyamoto Musashi

We have Reduced our Rates for 2020!