The Art of Focus and Intention

Launch with vigour,
Reach your target!

Zorya Zanshin assists you to ‘Master the Art of Focus and Intention’ – to maximise your opportunity!
We tend to focus on rapid growth, profits, and reaching the target, but if we put that intensity, focus and sincerity into the process, then hitting the bullseye is simply a side effect. It’s not the target that matters, but the way we approach the process.
We assist you to maintain an edge over the competition through critical thinking and employ deductive and inductive reasoning to create a model of successive approximations and innovation.

"Are underlying dynamics impacting your results."

“A relentless barrage of ‘Why’s’ is the best way to prepare our mind to pierce the clouded veil of thinking aroused by the status quo”
Shigeo Shingo
“The most dangerous kind
of waste is the waste we
do not recognise.”
Shigeo Shingo
“The best approach is to dig out and eliminate problems where they are assumed, not to exist.”
Shigeo Shingo
“Unless you change direction, you will end up where you are headed.”
Shigeo Shingo
“If you launch without vigour, seven out of every ten of your actions will not reach their target!”
Yamamoto Tsunetomo
One should approach all activities and situations with the same sincerity, the same intensity, and the same awareness that one has with bow and arrow in hand.”
Kenneth Kushner, One Arrow, One Life.
When we become aware and embrace the value of the process, we are able to observe and identify

inefficiencies. Through developing a passion and continuously improving it, we master it.

We prepare you for the continued state of spirit, mental awareness and physical readiness required to meet the next business challenge.

We have Reduced our Rates for 2020!